

学科建设Subject Strength and Diversity

学院有哲学和心理学两个一级学科,均为一级学科博士学位授权单位,哲学学科设有博士后科研流动站。武汉大学国学院挂靠足球博彩app 。学院学科门类齐全,共有11个二级学科点,其中哲学二级学科8个,心理学2个,国学1个。马克思主义哲学和中国哲学为国家重点二级学科;哲学一级学科为湖北省重点学科,是教育部第三批高校特色专业建设点。学院设哲学系、宗教学系、心理学系,下设马克思主义哲学、中国哲学、外国哲学、科学技术哲学、逻辑学、伦理学与政治哲学、美学、宗教学、基础心理学、应用心理学等10个教研室。《哲学评论》和《马克思主义哲学研究》集刊是CSSCI收录的中文核心期刊。学院图书分馆藏书10万多册,2700余平方米的办公大楼,为学院教学与科研提供了良好的办学条件。

The range of disciplinary coverage and expertise offered by the School of Philosophy at Wuhan University is outstanding by both national and international standards. In its commitment to subject strength and diversity, the School of Philosophy has excelled in meeting and indeed surpassing the standards of the Hubei Provincial Government, which has identified philosophy as a Key Subject for Development in line with Ministry of Education requirements. At the undergraduate level, the school offers two Bachelor’s Degree programs: one in Philosophy, the other in Psychology. At the postgraduate level, the school offers Master’s Degrees in all disciplines of Philosophy and Psychology, and beyond the Master’s level students are able to study for Doctoral Degrees in Philosophy and Psychology. In addition to offering degree qualifications, the school also provides a number of opportunities for Postdoctoral Researchers in Philosophy. The School of Philosophy itself comprises 10 Centers of Research Excellence which house internationally renowned faculty with expertise ranging across Marxist Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Western Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Technology, Logic, Ethicsand political philosophy, Aesthetics, Religious Studies,ChineseClassicsand Psychology (both basic and applied). In addition, the School of Philosophy is the editorial home of two highly regarded academic journals, Wuda Philosophical Review and Marxist Philosophy Study, both of which are indexed to the CSSCI. All teaching and research activities take place in a brand-new 2,700-square-meter facility fitted with state-of-the-art lecture halls and technologies and a library boasting a collection of100,000 titles.